Round Table

ICC is on purpose to prepare our student to solve real-world problems while working with teams. Round Table is an exercise where students begin the journey toward listening well, interacting with the world of ideas, and communicating both persuasively and respectfully on a team with a common goal.

For a fuller understanding of the value of working with and on diverse teams, listen to Dr. Moon's clip:  Round Table, Trading Up.

Also check out the ICCFS History.


"Thru the Round Table Tournament, I saw the unfolding of ICC's objectives to raise our young learners to be our future leaders. I was very impressed not only by the teens' confidence to communicate and articulate their objectives during the Round Table, but also their abilities to respect community, consciously relating issues with purposeful skills and social etiquette, drawing consensus for the best solutions, preparing for the real world."

 -- Community Evaluator in Singapore

The Harvard Business Review talks about the value of problem solving and collaboration.


Find rules, ballots, Q&A, and instructions on the Round Table Overview.

Training using the ICC Problem-Solving Model and consensus-building skills is available through our Fall Focus materials. 

Contact your Sponsor or Area Coordinator to learn more about upcoming Round Table training opportunities.


  1. Define the Problem
  2. Gather Information
  3. Identify Criteria
  4. Brainstorm Solutions
  5. Evaluate Solutions
  6. Plan Implementation


At ICCFS Tournaments, eligible speakers are randomly assigned to teams of 5-7 members that remain consistent throughout the tournament. A qualified Student Facilitator is assigned to each team.

Teams are seated around a table. Adult Evaluators are positioned around the outside to observe.

At the beginning of the initial round, all teams are given the same scenario. Over the course of three rounds, students are guided through the steps of ICC's problem-solving model to identify a problem, brainstorm a solution to that problem, and then make a plan of implementation. At the end of each round, the facilitator will present an executive summary to the evaluator.

Team Members and Facilitators receive written feedback for each of the three rounds. Certificates of Excellence and Invitations to the International Tournament are awarded to the top Facilitator(s) and individual Team Members. Top teams will be recognized at local tournaments.

2021-2022 Scenario

According to the World Bank, “A third of all food globally is lost and wasted, amounting to significant costs to society: $1 trillion globally annually, 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and significant natural resource use are all associated with food that is grown but never reaches the table.”

This scenario will be used at the New Year's Global Online tournament January 8-9 and throughout the tournament season, including the International Championship.

Add your scenario suggestions here: Round Table Scenarios


The focus of this exercise is on the experience and the process of consensus -building with diverse ideas. Real collaboration takes place when we show up ready to engage. Students should come prepared to engage thoughtfully with the topic, to listen, to ask questions, to be open to the ideas of others, to think critically, and to find common ground which can be the foundation for influence. (See criteria on ballots linked to the Overview.)

Preparation should include discussing the scenario with a variety of people, researching related topics, and then recording information and insights on two 3” x 5” cards.

ICCFS History

In the past we’ve added new events to meet changing needs in the culture, better preparing our members for what they will encounter in the real world.

  • 2012 - Computer-Assisted Presentation was added to address the increasing need for visual communication.
  • 2013 - Cultural Storytelling and Original Adaptation enhanced skills for sharing truth through storytelling and the new Student Evaluator role created opportunities to practice leadership skills.
  • 2016 - Interview was introduced to prepare our students for the myriad of interviews they will encounter in their lives.
  • 2017 - Round Table prepares members to influence culture in ministry and marketplace.
  • 2020 - Online tournaments were introduced that increased global collaboration and connection preparing students for an increasingly global future.
  • 2021 - Audio and video podcast and media message events were added to prepare students to communicate in online spaces with global audiences. 

Watch this Message from Dr. Moon

Round Table, Trading Up

Research tells us we have moved from an information economy to a connection economy. Businesses and organizations are trending toward connection and collaboration and away from information and evidence. Information can be accessed from almost anywhere; it’s connections that influence culture - connecting people to people, people to information, people to important ideas. 

ICC’s mission is focused on getting next generation Christians ready for influence. This requires equipping our members for communication with real-world application by providing real-time feedback. We believe Round Table Discussion, an activity developed by the oldest forensics society Pi Kappa Delta, is the next vehicle that prepares us to do just that. Not only will it allow more members to participate, but it will better equip our members for what they will experience in the real world.

Round Table Discussion is a form of discussion used for the purpose of building consensus. Participants work together on a specific issue to come to an agreement through discussion and debate. Each person is given equal opportunity to participate, as illustrated by the idea of a circular layout referred to in the term “round table.” 

This activity will equip students with the skills they need to collaborate, to listen to innovative thoughts, to understand new ideas, to value different opinions, to think critically about many sides of an issue (there are always more than two), to draw out ideas of others, to add comments respectfully, to ask questions to clarify, to be willing to participate, and to work together toward a common goal.These skills are essential to conversations from the dinner table to the conference table, from the student council meeting to the executive board meeting. Communication and relationships at all levels will be impacted.

The ICC vision is a global community empowering next generation Christians to influence today's culture. The ICCFS team’s promise is to continue to align our activities and training to advance our vision and mission so that we can develop today the skills to be influence-ready which you need now and in the future. We care about you that much!

What are others saying about the value of problem solving and collaboration?

Harvard Business Review